Author.            Imaginist.            Creator  of  Worlds.


Welcome to the Nexus!


David Earl Whitaker is a multi-genre author whose first book, "Flight of the Nosoi," is currently in search of an agent or publisher.  He has several other works in progress.

From this Nexus, you can visit the world of Nosoi, or you can catch a glimpse though the portals to several others.  Many ways are barred to mere mortals, but, in time, the barriers will break down so exploration can begin.




Site Refresh in the Works

October 14th, 2024 / Dave / 0 comments
Talking to Richard, my web developer, and we have some plans to refresh the site a little. Specifically, need to add a portal to a new book. Haven’t settled on a working title yet that doesn’t spoil anything, but there should be a hint, soon.

When Inspiration Strikes

October 7th, 2024 / Dave / 0 comments
Yup, that’s right. Not working on any of my WIPs today. Got a whole new idea I need to research and sketch out. Won’t get much past that right now; still invested in The Way, but it’s fun to dream! More on that later.

A Second Draft

October 1st, 2024 / Dave / 0 comments
Getting the feedback back for my new project. It’s almost time to take a break from The Way to do another pass on that. Then we’ll cast a wider net and see what people think. Feeling pretty good about it, but that makes me nervous, too.

The Forged Series

September 23rd, 2024 / Dave / 0 comments
I recently discovered that my cousin, CB Mason is also a writer. Her debut novel, Shattered, a YA Dystopian story, has found a publisher and will hopefully get a release date near the first of the year. I wish her all the best with that. The best part is we have reconnected over our writing. […]

Nosoi News

September 16th, 2024 / Dave / 0 comments
Well, not a lot of news, but sent a few queries out this week. First time in way too long, and first time since I rewrote the opening. Keeping my fingers crossed, though still resigned to the prospect at eventually self-pubbing it. But that won’t happen until I finish the sequel, and THAT is third […]

Fall is so busy!

September 9th, 2024 / Dave / 0 comments
Every year, we get to fall and say, “How do we fit all this in?” This year it’s even worse with my favorite second son joining HS Marching band. Wow are they busy. And, of course, I’ve been lured back into photographing, not only them but also back with the Gopher band. All that is […]

First Day of School!

September 3rd, 2024 / Dave / 0 comments
My favorite third son started school today (the high school started last week). Now that I have the house relatively to my self during the weeks, I’m hoping to get just a little more writing time than I have had most of the summer. Yeah, that’s how it works. Oh, and we got to the […]

The Way is Moving Along

August 28th, 2024 / Dave / 0 comments
I’m working through a revision pass on The Way (book 1). Just finished chapter 6, but have feedback from my writing group on the revised prologue and chapter one, so I’ll review that next before pressing forward. Things are looking up, just as we head into the busiest time of the year: Fall!

Rained Out

August 23rd, 2024 / Dave / 0 comments
Well, we made it to the Fair yesterday. The weather was beautiful most of the day. Unfortunately, the exception to that was the rain storm that rolled through just for parade time. We were all disappointed the band didn’t get to perform, but everyone had a great time just enjoying the Fair.

The Great Minnesota Get-Together

August 19th, 2024 / Dave / 0 comments
It’s that time of year, again. The Minnesota State Fair is the greatest gathering of people anywhere on the planet (in my opinion). Twelve days of greasy food on a stick, animals, rides, crafts, and lot and lots of walking. Our usual M.O. is to stay a couple of nights in the RV campground, but […]