Author.            Imaginist.            Creator  of  Worlds.


Welcome to the Nexus!


David Earl Whitaker is a multi-genre author whose first book, "Flight of the Nosoi," is currently in search of an agent or publisher.  He has several other works in progress.

From this Nexus, you can visit the world of Nosoi, or you can catch a glimpse though the portals to several others.  Many ways are barred to mere mortals, but, in time, the barriers will break down so exploration can begin.




Vacation Over

July 23rd, 2024 / Dave / 0 comments
It’s been a little while because the family and I went on a little vacation to Australia and New Zealand. Three weeks of family fun for 5 of us. It was the trip of a lifetime, even if you take some “issues” into account. Now, to get back into the writing….

4th Street Fantasy

June 11th, 2024 / Dave / 0 comments
The 4th Street Fantasy writers convention is this weekend. Not sure if I’m going to make it as an attendee this year. But since I’m local, I’ll probably connect with a few of the attendees from out of town. Will be good to catch up with them!

Papa Turns 90!

June 7th, 2024 / Dave / 0 comments
Today, my dad turns the ripe old age of 90. He’s still got his health and his independence, and a family that loves him. Thanks for being you, dad. Let’s look forward to at least a few more rides around the sun.

The Path for the Way is Laid

June 3rd, 2024 / Dave / 0 comments
All of the feedback has been considered. Chapters have been cut and rearranged, and passages have been identified both as keepers and save-for-laters. Now, the work begins on revising The Way.


May 31st, 2024 / Dave / 0 comments
My favorite first son graduated tonight from the School of Environmental Studies. So very proud of him and everything he has achieved! Now, it’s time to adult. . .

Advanced Open Water!

May 27th, 2024 / Dave / 0 comments
My favorite second son and I spent the past weekend finishing our Advanced Open Water scuba certification. We survived the 2′ (yes just 2) visibility in Square Lake, MN, and the 43 degree temps of our deep dive (60′) in Wazee Lake, WI. Though it was cold and miserable with rain all day Sunday, it […]

Finding Forgotten Friends

May 16th, 2024 / Dave / 0 comments
One of the few true regrets I have (for most mistakes can, at least, be learned from) is losing contact with friends over time. Through the magic of the internet, I just this week found someone I had thought lost. It’s a really good feeling to touch someone from your past, and though we’re both […]

95 Miles

May 13th, 2024 / Dave / 0 comments
I’ve been an avid cyclist for years, but I haven’t done a 100 miles in a week in over 25 years (outside of the weekends I did the MS150). Last week I clocked in at 95 miles over 5 days. I’m hoping that’s a continuing trend, because it makes me feel great! What’s your weekly […]

The Way Plan

May 10th, 2024 / Dave / 0 comments
I have finally digested all of the feedback for The Way, and am in the process now of dissecting the one book and making it into two. The primary story will have most of the background story stripped out. At least as a place to start. I know some fans will be disappointed by that, […]

Marching Band!

May 7th, 2024 / Dave / 0 comments
My favorite second son has chosen to join his high school marching band for next fall. While it’s a decision I wholly support, it comes with a huge calendar load, including a previously unknown to us mini-camp this weekend. Right in the middle of getaway plans my wife and I made, and an overnight locking […]